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Timberland VoyageAbstract Symmetry Tree Art Photography【電子書籍】[ John Williams ]

Item Number 27

<p><strong>“Timberland Voyage” </strong>uses the single aspect of trees as the core of the art photograph book. Each image within the book falls into three distinct and separate categories as to how it manipulates the woodland tree subject.</p> <p>“Pure Tree Symmetry” uses reflection and symmetrical compositions to create striking visual reinterpretations of the forest tree. Bright vibrant colors and post-processing develops each image into a unique vision of visual art as defined by the work of the author and photographer, John D Williams.</p> <p>“Visions of One” focuses on the single tree rather than on duality and repetition as seen in the previous section. Each gnarled and wooden tree reveals a beautiful pattern of branches and old weathered wood trunks and bark.</p> <p>“The Endless Forest Dream” utilizes sweeping forest landscapes to create a dreamlike fantasy vision of the tree in a woodland setting. The vision behind the photograph art book is to move away from conventional perceptions of the tree as a single point of beaut, and instead represent a modern contemporary vision of nature for art fans and art lovers alike.</p> <p>The book “Timberland Voyage” contains over 34 images in both color and black and white. Each work of art includes the original title devised by the photographer, as well as a short description on the thoughts and feelings as well as the subject matter of each individual image.</p> <p>As a creative artist John D Williams strives to create striking and highly original visions when he is out in nature and the world at large, capturing images that encapsulate a sense of modernity. His appreciation for the “visual arts” stems from his education in media and film study.</p> <p>“For me visual images are like the stories we hear all around us. The power of visual stimuli is one of the keys to our survival, an instinct if you like. Our ability to read visual photographs stems in part from our cultural currency, however true art is able to communicate in all languages, across all boundaries, and borders, to touch the true essence of the human spirit.”</p> <p>The common subject of the “tree” in this book explodes from its previous conceptions, and invites a fresh invigorating study of these breathing living organisms so often alive, and yet well hidden, in the dark forests and woodlands of England.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Item Number 27

Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Review Average レビュー平均 0(5点満点)
Shop Name ショップ 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
Price 商品価格 576円(税込み)

